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Festival Life

At Live Oak Waldorf School, the celebration of seasonal festivals renews our awareness of these rhythms and fosters the children’s relationship to the world into which they grow.

“Celebrating festivals can bring us consciously to what we all experience instinctively in our daily lives, the changing cycles of the seasons and of life itself. Through various festivals and rituals we acknowledge and celebrate our connection to and our responsibility toward each other and the world.” 

- excerpted from Festivals by Marilyn Pelrme 
Yearly rhythms are an important aspect to Waldorf education. Our festivals are brought to life thought the efforts of our entire school community and are a cherished part of the life of our school.  
In addition to our three main seasonal festivals, parents are welcome to attend all-school daytime assemblies held throughout the year, including the Rose Ceremony on the first day of school, Friday Morning Assemblies, and Eighth Grade Graduation and End of the Year Rose Ceremony.

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