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Arielle Engstrom

Following the spiral path, Arielle was born in Citrus Heights, enjoyed the bulk of her childhood in Portland, OR, has lived in and travelled to many places, and is happily arriving to familiar lands once again. 
Arielle began her journey with Waldorf Education in the year 2000, with the birth of her son, Cyrus. She had to persevere through several moves and raising a young child to finally complete her Grades 1-8 Waldorf Teacher Training at Rudolf Steiner College in 2006. She was delighted to discover Live Oak Waldorf School in 2004 while living at Camp Augusta, Nevada City (where she served in leadership and making cool t-shirts), at which time her son began attending kindergarten here.
Arielle went on to study eurythmy at Rudolf Steiner College, and finished in New York at Eurythmy Spring Valley in 2012. She also went on to a degree program for eurythmists and earned her BA in eurythmy through Den norske eurytmihøyskole in 2013. 
She has been an entrepreneur as well, opening a flower shop and art center (for all ages) in Penn Valley, CA, 2018. Floristics and ACACIA (Art Center for Adults & Children, Inventors and Artists) are no longer open, but were very successful and fun while happening!
Being helpful and getting things done are both important to Arielle and she looks forward to serving the Live Oak Community by facilitating many things as the Front Desk Coordinator!

Arielle joined Live Oak Waldorf School in 2024.


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